Winter enroll of students at MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL

From January 16 to February 16, a new WINTER ENROLL of students 6-14 years old is announced!

We answer the most popular questions from parents!

🏆 How is school admission going?
Future MINIBOSS students are undergoing a mandatory interview in which they prove that attending us is their own reasonable choice. 👨🏼‍💻🔎🤩

Only conscious students come to us. That is why children study in our groups, among motivated and purposeful peers - this is the most powerful development tool. 🏆

⭐️When will the result be noticeable?
99.8% of MINIBOSS parents noticed progressive changes in their child from the first year of study.

🏆How is the educational process going?
We focus on gaming and interactive learning practices. This promotes quick and easy assimilation of the material.

🏆What can you give other than educational information?

Our educational network connects 22 countries of the world. These are strong contacts not only among students, but also with parents, educators, curators, and socially responsible entrepreneurs who want to help your children get their dream education.

⭐️Business Camps, International Forums and Annual Championships are great venues for finding partners and mentors for your future business, starting with a lesson at MINIBOSS!

🏆 What are the main values of the school?

We believe that science and technology are out of place.

We believe in the innovation of the young generation and that it is transforming the world for the better.

We believe in a strong inspiring example of parents and family values, because understanding the development of one's generation is the first step to understanding the functioning of society.

MINIBOSS - for creating successful family businesses for the benefit of society!✨




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